Dec 19
Written By K. E. Heartsong
Well, this contrarian review has uncovered an important truth with regard to the Franco Serblin Accordo Essence speakers. You don’t need a lot of power to drive them, especially if you listen at low to medium volume (like most audiophiles, music lovers) have a small- to medium-sized listening room (like most audiophiles, music lovers), and don’t listen to large orchestral pieces, ponderous rap/hip-hop, acid rock, or the like (like most audiophiles, music lovers).
That said, the Franco Serblin Accordo Essence speakers easily go with the flow of the accompanying amplification. They played beautifully with the single-ended Lyric Ti 100 MkII (20 watts), with an expanded soundstage, beautiful midrange, and soaring highs in my medium-sized room at medium volume. The Air Tight ATC-1 preamplifier/ATM-1 amplifier (36 watts) combo extended low-end weight and gravitas while providing exceptional midrange tone and texture, and nicely extended highs.
Lastly, the Franco Serblin Accordo Essence speakers are supremely musical, refined, and technically accomplished, featuring an outstanding design motif that will eventually be curated for a modern art museum.