Soundsmith – A lifetime in audio inventing, designing, manufacturing and mentoring

Under the auspices of Peter Ledermann, President and Chief Engineer, the Soundsmith Corporation
has been crafted as a company for more than 40 years. It exists today as a substantial workforce of
carefully selected, highly trained creative artisans and engineers. In parallel with creating and guiding the
growth of Soundsmith, Peter has spent a lifetime in audio inventing, designing, manufacturing and
mentoring for varied audio companies, as well as being employed for 11 years at the T. J. Watson IBM
Research Center. He has conceived, designed and manufactured highly evolved and singularly unique
audio products that have been well recognized as world-class designs. These products include phono
cartridges, loudspeaker drivers and systems, power amplifiers, and preamplifiers under the Soundsmith
brand, as well as for other major companies. Although Peter has a wealth of experience in the
design of most audio products, he is best known for, and considered one of the world’s foremost
authorities in, analog playback systems; specifically cartridge design and manufacturing, as well as analog
setup. Peter is also one of a handful of people available who has both depth of design experience and skills required to
restore and rebuild all current makes of cartridges as well as classic cartridges. Peter spends much of his day doing just that for satisfied customers from all over the world.

All Soundsmith products are handcrafted in the USA in the beautiful lower Hudson River Valley by
Peter’s team of dedicated and highly skilled men and women.